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How To Call Someone Who Blocked Your Number

Your phone number has been restricted, but you still want to call them! Consider why the person blocked your phone number before proceeding. Make sure you won’t be bothering anyone or risk being charged with harassment. Read on for a few ways to get past the block if you’re phoning for valid reasons!.

Methods To Call Someone Who Blocked Your Number

Calling From Your Own Phone

Disguise your caller ID: Make your caller ID appear to be someone else. This hides the caller’s identity from the receiving phone. Your phone number will be blacked out, and your ID will be marked as “Hidden.”

  • Go to the Settings App on your iPhone to hide your caller ID. Then select “Show My Caller ID” from the “Phone” section of the settings. Then, in the “Off” position, slide it.
  • Go to Settings > Call Settings > Additional Settings > Caller ID on Android. Then choose Hide Number from the drop-down menu. Your calls will stay private, and you will be able to avoid the blocked list.

Dial *67:
 This code will block your number so that your call shows up as an “Unknown” or “Private” number. Enter the code before the number that you’re dialing, like so: *67-408-221-XXXX. This may work on cell phones and home phones, but it won’t necessarily work on businesses

Download an app that gives you a random phone number: If you have a smartphone, you can download one of several free apps that will generate a phone number for you at random. You can use this number to text and phone people who don’t have the app, and you might be able to call others who don’t have it. This is a typically safe way to contact someone who has blocked your phone number.

  • One benefit of this system is that the area code is also created at random. As a result, the caller will have no idea who is calling.

Call a landline: You can’t block numbers on many land-based home phones. If you know the person’s home phone number, call them!

Change your number: Make a request to change your phone number with your service provider. It’s possible that you’ll have to pay a small cost. Unless you plan to replace your phone soon, this may not be the best option. Keep in mind that if you offer this individual a reason, he or she can ban your new phone number at any time.

Calling From a Different Phone

Use a public phone: The most straightforward solution is to call this person from a phone number that they have not blacklisted. They won’t realize it’s you on the other end of the call this way. If they hang up, they’ll hang up – but at the very least, you’ll get past the call-blocking screening. You should expect this to succeed only once or twice before the person quits answering calls from unfamiliar numbers.

  • Spend a few cents and make a difficult-to-trace call if payphones are available in your area.
  • Make the call from the hotel phone after checking into a hotel room.
  • Make use of a school or work phone. Request to use a shop or restaurant’s landline.

Ask to use a friend’s phone: Explain the scenario to a friend, and then ask if it’s appropriate to call this individual on her personal phone. Be respectful of your friend’s property and refrain from harassing or threatening someone over the phone. If you take the issue too far, utilizing your friend’s phone may render him or her complicit.

  • If you use the same friend’s phone to call someone who has banned your number repeatedly, the call-blocker will most likely cease answering calls from that number. He or she might even put a block on your friend’s phone number.

Consider speaking through a proxy: If the person will hang up as soon as they hear your voice, develop a script for your friends/relatives to read instead. It helps if the proxy is a mutual acquaintance who the blocker knows and trusts. This could be a smart method to communicate what you need to say without explicitly threatening the blocker. Make this obvious right at the start of the script.

  • For example: “Hey, Allie. This is Joe McAdams, calling on behalf of Billy. I just want to pass along a short message, and then I’ll let you go about your day. He says; ‘[your message here]’. Sorry to bother you!”
  • You can also use a voice changer to disguise your voice. If the person has blocked your number, however, there’s a good chance that there is history here – and that they will quickly identify you.

Being Conscious

Think before you call: This individual has most likely blocked you for a reason. Make sure you’re not pestering the person in any manner, otherwise the problem will only get worse. Consider the “why” carefully. Consider whether this call is only a means for you to make your presence known, or whether it will genuinely resolve anything tangible.

  • Be thoughtful towards others. You should give this person room if you are actually making them uncomfortable. Things will work out in their own time – but pushing things too far may eliminate that possibility.

Be aware of the consequences: If you call someone who doesn’t want to be called on a regular basis, they may pursue legal action against you. It may be considered harassment if it occurs frequently enough. This person could get a restraining order against you, making it illegal to contact them at all. Think about if it’s worth it to make this one phone call.

  • The Caller ID Act of 2009 made it a crime to use Caller ID spoofing for harming or defrauding someone. If you use a service to block or change the way that your phone number appears, be very careful about how you use this power.

Find another way: Consider why you need to contact this individual and whether you can do so in a less intrusive manner. It’s easy to pick up the phone and tell someone what you need to know, but this may not be the most effective strategy if the person you’re dealing with feels invaded by the thought of chatting with you on the phone.

  • Try writing a letter or email to the individual in question if you just need to vent your feelings and achieve closure. If the recipient has more time to read and respond to your statements, he or she may feel less intimidated.
  • If you have a genuine emergency and need to contact or locate someone, reach out to common friends or call the cops. Look for a neutral individual who can assist you in contacting this person.


Does * 67 still work?

Use *67 to hide your phone number. This trick works for smartphones and landlines. Open your phone’s keypad and dial * – 6 – 7, followed by the number you’re trying to call. The free process hides your number, which will show up on the other end as “Private” or “Blocked” when reading on caller ID

How do you unblock yourself from someones phone?

You can’t unlock yourself from someone else’s phone unless you have actual access to it. Because blocking is done based on phone number, if you truly want to call someone who has blocked you, simply block your phone number or call from a new phone number when you call them.

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