Home » App Tips and Tricks » Instagram Will Facilitate Private Chats With Viewers During A Live Broadcast

Instagram Will Facilitate Private Chats With Viewers During A Live Broadcast

Instagram knows that one of its strengths is the broadcast of live events. And for this reason, it continues to improve this service, working on a new function that will allow viewers of said event to chat with others privately without having to leave the broadcast.

Remember that currently, Instagram allows viewers of live broadcasts to chat in a kind of group chat, where everyone comments at the same time about what is happening during the event. 

If users want to chat with another viewer they have to leave the event, go to direct messages, and start the conversation.

But now, things are about to change, as Instagram is working on a feature so that users can have private conversations within the same live stream, according to reverse engineering expert Alessandro Paluzzi.

This expert has shared a screenshot of the new Instagram feature, which is still under development, and which will allow chats to be integrated with live video so that you can write to another contact while the event continues.

Specifically, Instagram will include a contact button at the bottom of the interface right near the existing comment button.

Another novelty that Instagram is going to incorporate is another button to add members to the live chat.

Users who click the chat button will be able to see a pop-up window to start the private chat, which will also contain information about the number of users participating in it. Of course, all users will have the opportunity to decide when to leave said chat, by clicking on the “leave” button.

This is a novelty in the way of communicating on Instagram during live broadcasts, although it is still unknown when it will be implemented on all devices. Now, it will be a different way of communicating, much more private and without interrupting the most specific content about the event.

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